From HMV to Youtube. Interview with Coloraturafan

“From the fast paced cadenzas to the slow flowing cantilenas. I could listen to Rossini all day and never be bored. ” 

Our interview with Rockwell Blake

One of the most influential artists of the recent Rossini revival, Rockwell Blake, continues to teach,inspire, and serve the community which loves him so well.

Exclusive interview with Daniela Barcellona

She brings a genuine Rossini heritage to the role of Malcom.
(click on the picture for the interview)

Speranza Scappucci

Speranza Scappucci will make her Rossini Opera Festival debut in August 2016, conducting “Il Turco in Italia”. Click on picture for details!

Interview with Rene Barbera – making his ROF debut!

Rene Barbera is making his ROF debut in La Gazza Ladra.

Interview with Simone Alberghini – 20 years at ROF!

Simone Alberghini will be at ROF in a few weeks performing in “La Gazza Ladra”

Interview with Honorary Board Member Chris Merritt.

Seen here in “Il Viaggio a Reims”

Interview with Randall Bills

Randall Bills who appeared in ROF 2014 Armida, was kind enough to take time out during his recent appearance with the Seattle Opera to answer some questions for us. Q. What inspired you to become a singer? A…. Read More

Interview with Chiara Amarù

Interview with Rosinia, Chiara Amarù Mezzo-soprano, Chiara Amarù is Rosina in the Rossini Opera Festival’s 2014 Il Barbiere di Siviglia ( ed) This interview, conducted in 2013 is made available through the generosity of Nick del Vecchio. The… Read More

30 years (almost) with Rossini at ROF

We are thrilled to have the following contribution from one of our members. Actually Charles Jernigan’s connection with the ROF predates the establishment of the American Friends of the Rossini Opera Festival. Professor Jernigan has kindly offered to… Read More