Florez, honorary citizen of Pesaro, Italy

This summer during the Rossini Opera Festival, Juan Diego Florez was presented with the honorary citizenship of Pesaro. Below is the citation.

Il tenore Juan Diego Florez è nato artisticamente al Rossini Opera Festival diventandone protagonista e presenza assidua. E’ unanimemente considerato il maggiore interprete di Rossini nel mondo. Ha partecipato a 16 edizioni della manifestazione, con 22 esibizioni complessive. Un record e un privilegio che nessun teatro al mondo può vantare, contribuendo all’affermazione internazionale del Rossini Opera Festival e alla diffusione del nome di Pesaro nel mondo.
Pesaro è diventata la sua casa italiana, dove risiede abitualmente durante l’anno”

Here is an approximate translation:
“The tenor Juan Diego Florez had his artistic birth at the Rossini Opera Festival, becoming a protagonist and constant presence. He is unanimously considered the greatest interpreter of Rossini in the world. He has participated in 16 editions of the Rossini Opera Festival , with a total of 22 performances ( with multiple repeats, ed.)A record and a privilege that no other theater in the world can boast, helping the international success of the Rossini Opera Festival i and the spread of the name of Pesaro throughout the world.Pesaro has become his Italian home, where he resides during the year”.